Big Brother Naija reality show star Nina Ivy has announced her plans to undergo breast reduction and lifting surgery. The 29-year-old shared the news with her followers in a viral video on her Instagram page.
Expressing her excitement, Ivy revealed that she has been looking forward to this procedure for a long time.
“Guys, I’m getting a breast reduction and lift today, Wednesday. And I know it is going to look super good. I have been waiting for this day my entire life. I’m thrilled,” she wrote.
Nina Ivy, who is a mother of two, explained that she never felt comfortable or confident about her breasts and is eager to make a change. “Finally, the time is here after two kids. I never felt comfortable and confident about my breasts and I’m super excited to make a change. Finally, a New Life.”
This announcement follows her Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery in 2023.