NEMA Reports Severe Flooding Across 27 States, Affects Over 227,000 People and Damages Thousands of Homes

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has reported that 27 states across Nigeria have been severely impacted by recent flooding, with a total of 227,494 people affected and 32,837 houses damaged. The floods have also ravaged 16,488 hectares of farmland, causing significant agricultural losses.

NEMA’s Director-General, Zubaida Umar, disclosed these figures on Thursday in a statement released by the agency’s spokesperson, Ezekiel Manzo. Umar emphasized NEMA’s ongoing efforts to raise public awareness about flood prevention and management through grassroots campaigns, particularly focusing on clearing blocked drainages and waterways.

“So far, based on statistics from the NEMA Emergency Operations Centre, which was established for flood monitoring and resource coordination, 27 states have been impacted, with a total of 227,494 persons affected, 32,837 houses damaged, and 16,488 hectares of farmland destroyed,” Umar stated.

She also urged State Emergency Management Agencies (SEMAs) and community leaders to be prepared for rapid response as the peak of the rainy season approaches. Umar reassured farmers not to panic over the temporary dry spell, citing predictions from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) that it would soon end.

Communities at risk of flooding, particularly those living near waterways, were advised to relocate to safer, higher grounds ahead of the impending flood peak. Umar called on all stakeholders to remain vigilant and ready to activate flood response plans at short notice, given the increasing incidents of flooding across the country.

NEMA reaffirmed its commitment to coordinating disaster management efforts nationwide and providing necessary support to affected regions. The agency has rapidly mobilized efforts to assess flood damage and coordinate relief operations in collaboration with various SEMAs.

“The National Emergency Management Agency has responded to the recent flood incidents that devastated some communities across the country and has begun assessing the impacts with State Emergency Management Agencies to provide timely and appropriate support to the affected persons,” NEMA stated.

The agency’s proactive stance highlights its readiness to tackle the nationwide crisis, with search and rescue teams already deployed and all NEMA zonal and operation offices on high alert. Relief items have also been dispatched to complement state government efforts in providing aid to those affected by the floods.

Flooding remains a recurrent and severe issue in Nigeria, exacerbated by factors such as seasonal rains, poor drainage infrastructure, urbanization, deforestation, and climate change. The impact of these floods is widespread, leading to displacement, damage to homes and infrastructure, and disruptions to agriculture and livelihoods. NEMA continues to advocate for improved infrastructure, early warning systems, and public awareness to mitigate the effects of future flooding events.

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